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Remote Sensing for Fish Conservation in an Era of Global Change

Remote Sensing for Fish Conservation in an Era of Global Change

Remote sensing technology offers the ability to derive information on fish habitats across broad geographic areas and has the potential to fundamentally change the way fish habitat is monitored. The past decades have seen increasing amounts of diverse remote sensing observations leading to increased access to free and open, analysis ready data sets, cheap or free cloud computing resources along with the capacity to acquire data at less cost and more detail resulting in the development of powerful new tools and techniques which can be applied to characterize environmental phenomena historically not possible. With the above in mind, the purpose of this symposium will be to bring together researchers working in this area to discuss opportunities to further advance the use of remote sensing for fish conservation in an era of global change.

Organizer: Spencer Dakin Kuiper, Simon Fraser University, [email protected]

Co-organizer: Diane Whited

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