Conserving Fishes and
Fishing Traditions through
Knowledge Co-Production

The American Fisheries Society (AFS), President Cecil Jennings, the AFS Western Division, and AFS Pacific Islands Chapter are excited to host the 154th AFS Annual Meeting, September 15-19, 2024 in Honolulu, Hawai’i. The theme “Conserving Fishes and Fishing Traditions through Knowledge Co-Production” will stimulate a wide range of sessions focusing on the past, present, and future of fisheries conservation and management as we bring together professionals from across North America, the Pacific Islands, and countries throughout the world. The Honolulu Program Committee invites proposals for symposia, workshop/continuing education courses, and innovative sessions that support the theme and look to advance the fisheries profession.
Register by July 19 to save with early rates!
Conference Timeline
Session Submission Opens
Session Submission Closes
Abstract Submission Opens
Registration Opens
Abstract Submission Closes
Early Registration Deadline
Conference Begins
Aloha! As attendees of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, we must honor and respect the rich culture of Kānaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) and the natural beauty of these islands. One aspect of our mission as the Respectful Meetings Working Group is to guide AFS meeting attendees to be respectful visitors, ensuring that our presence contributes positively to the local community and environment.

Indigenous Networking Event
We are excited host a special event on Tuesday evening for Indigenous attendees to build community outside of the conference venue. This networking event will be hosted at an offsite location with limited capacity; therefore, we’re requesting that if you’re interested in attending that you RSVP through this form.

Explore Nearby Lodging Options
Whether you prioritize proximity to the convention center, beachfront access, great restaurants, or just a relaxed vibe, we have the perfect hotel for you at a great rate.

Continuing Education Courses
Come to Hawai’i a little early and take your fisheries career to the next level by gaining in-demand skills right in Honolulu! Sign up when you register for the meeting, or you can add-on classes later.

Maui Nui Strong
We at AFS are deeply saddened and concerned about the recent devastating wildfires on the island of Maui. If you would like to help, please see Maui Nui Strong for more information about how to contribute to Maui Wildfire Relief.
Getting It Right: Conservation Aquaculture for Recovery, Restoration and Supplementation
Centering Fisher Questions and Collaboration in Research and Conservation
Successes and Challenges of Integrating Ecosystem Indicators into Management
Resilient by Design: Measuring Effectiveness of Freshwater Restoration
Knowledge Co-production in the Implementation of Closed Season and MPAs in Africa
Sound Production and Soundscapes for Fisheries Conservation and Management
What’s New? Standard Methods for Sampling North American Freshwater Fishes, 2nd Edition
Recent Developments and Applications of Spatio-temporal Modelling for Fisheries Management Advice
Electronic Tagging and Telemetry: Analyses, Field Methods, and Applications to Management
Integrating Methods in Fisheries to Address Population Risk of Changing Hydrographs
Co-creating and Sharing International and Traditional Knowledge about Fish Passage and Hydropower
Enhancing Fisheries Management and Conservation through Spatial Data and Data Accessibility
Freshwater Mollusks of Ecological and Cultural Importance
Harmonizing Offshore Wind Energy Development and Marine Fisheries Research
Natural Land Cover: Quantifying Levels Necessary to Protect Freshwater Habitats and Conserve Species
Party Wave Acoustic Telemetry: Fisheries Research through Collaboration and Knowledge Co-production
Connectivity Considerations for the Conservation of Fishes in Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
Mauka to Makai (Mountain to Sea) Connectivity in Changing Tropical Systems
Interweaving Traditional Ecological Knowledge with Genetic/Genomic Approaches for Fisheries Conservation and Management
Managing Fisheries Bycatch of Threatened Species
Tools and Approaches for Developing Community-Led Coastal Fisheries Management Actions
Resource Surveys in a Changing Landscape
Inclusive Outreach and Education for Inspiring the Next Generation
Co-Produced Fisheries Science and Management in the Gulf of Mexico
Lessons in Fish Reproduction for Sustainable Fisheries: Learning from Multiple Knowledge Sources
Knowledge Co-production and Management Strategy Evaluation
Understanding How Multiple Stressors Interact and Impact Species for Place-based Management
Beyond the Lab: How Can We Use Physiology to Inform Conservation?
Preventing Harm from Abandoned, Lost or Derelict Fishing Gear from Capture Fisheries: Management, Policy, and Prevention
Applications of Social Science in Fisheries
Native Freshwater Nongame Fishes: Here, There, and Everywhere
Research and Conservation of Ancient Fishes
Fish as Ecological Indicators of Restoration Success
Celebrating Indigenous Fisheries Stewardship
Investing in Communities, Science, and Restoration – NOAA BIL and IRA Funding
Partnering for Innovation and Fish Protection in the Clean Energy Transition
Applications of Satellite Remote Sensing for Fisheries Assessment & Management
The Future of Visual Surveys of Fishes: Approaches, Lessons, Applications
Communicating Climate Change Impacts: Hands-on Learning to Enhance Policy and Public Buy-in
Coastal Systems in Flux: Fish and Fisheries in a Multi-stressor World
Building Fisheries Science Partnerships between Fisheries Commissions and the U.S. Geological Survey
Advancing Sonar Techniques for Use in Research and Fisheries Management
Fostering New Perspectives in Marine and Estuarine Science
Pollution, Toxicity, and the Need for More Species-specific Data
Amphidromous Post-larval Fisheries
Innovations in Remote Sensing Technologies for Fisheries Assessment and Management
The 6th MYRIBS: Over 10 Years of International Communications and Collaborations
Connecting Headwaters with Mainstem Rivers, Enabling Fish Movement, and Restoring Watershed Function
Creative Communications To Raise Awareness and Appreciation for All The Fish